Monday, December 20, 2004

This is the Silliest One Yet

This Company says that they'll help you advertise to the
homeless... How will they see the email, if they're homeless?

Email Advertise to 28,000,000 People => F-R-E-E

hey.. how are you doing? this organization will help you advertise to
millions of people for free if you are a non-profit organization that
benefits the homeless and needy for the holidays. at their web site,
simply mail them at the address on the order page, and they will tell
you how you can advertise to 28 million people for free if you fit the
criteria above. this is a non-commercial email offer, and they make no
money on this email offer at all.. to be removed from their
non-profit/non-commercial email list visit: or send a letter to them at:
email offer, box 1259, seattle, wa 98111

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Now... This is too good to be true

Not that I need it, but I guess it's nice to know...

We bring you the only documented method to enlarge your penis without
surgery or even seeing a Doctor.
The Vimax Extender has taken natural penis enlargement to the privacy of
the home adding both penis length and girth to your penis. It has also
been medically proven to correct penile curvature. It has been developed
by Danamedic Aps. (Denmark).

Buy Now []