Tuesday, June 29, 2004

They want ME to save money...

-----Original Message-----
From: Douglas
Subject: Save on 4 Great Programs sjfynhh
Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2004 18:40:41 -0500

Save on 4 Great Programs

Special Offer #1: hbw
Norton Antivirus 2004 ............. $34.99
Special Offer #2: hbw
Quicken Deluxe 2004 .............. $32.99
Special Offer #3: hbw
Corel Wordperfect Office 11 ..... $59.99
Special Offer #4: hbw
IBM ViaVoice Pro 9.1 ............... $39.95

If you wish to be un-subscribe from this list, please CLICK HERE

To Unsubscribe via U.S. Mail please send all inquiries to:
2525 BROADWAY #1103 EVERETT, WA 98201

First YOU send ME mail that I don't want, then I have to send
you a letter so you'll stop?... Why did you start in the first place?
And why can't you stop at one(1)?

get more active... http://www.activemode.com


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're lucky, the spam I got with the same address didn't have a link to unsubscribe.

Yeah, I think I'll pull out an envelope and address it right now. bah. Thanks to the wonder canned-spam act for this one.

3:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You never want to click on those links to unsubscribe anyway, or you'll just start getting more spam. When spammers send out email they have no idea who will see it and who won't, as--since they use a fake From: address--they won't get any undeliverable replies.

Clicking on unsubscribe links however tells the spammer that spam sent to your address will be seen by someone, and you are now a "confirmed" address. Spammers compile these lists and sell them at a premium (you may have gotten spam trying to sell CD-ROMs with 50 million "confirmed" email addresses on it. Guess how they confirmed them?).

If it's not an email that you legitimately got (i.e. you buy a Sony TV, register at Sony's website, and suddently you're getting emails from Sony), then NEVER click any unsubscribe links.

10:37 AM  

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